Chapter 1
Achieving Results
Defining a project and its four stages
Breaking down project management
Identifying the project manager’s role
Determining whether you have what you need to be a successful project manager
Successful organizations create projects that produce desired results in established time frames with assigned resources. As a result, businesses are increasingly driven to find individuals who can excel in this project-oriented environment.
Because you’re reading this minibook, chances are good that you’ve been asked to manage a project. So, hang on tight — you’re going to need a new set of skills and techniques to steer that project to successful completion. But not to worry! This chapter gets you off to a smooth start by showing you what projects and project management really are and by helping you separate projects from non-project assignments. This chapter also offers the rationale for why projects succeed or fail and gets you into the project-management mind-set.
Determining What Makes a Project a Project
No matter what your job is, you handle ...
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