Chapter 7

Shopping for a Home: The Nitty-Gritty


check Discovering homes for sale

check Considering foreclosures

check Looking at overall style and resale value

check Reviewing your priorities

check Understanding exactly what you’re getting in a new home

check Comparing the homes you see and picking a winner

When you start looking for a home, you have to replace the visions in your mind with the one you can realistically afford to buy. (Unless, of course, you’ve won the lottery or just inherited a fortune, in which case buy exactly what you like.) But how do you find the right home to fit your budget and your basic needs? You can choose to sit back and leave the legwork to your agent, but most people want to be more involved in the process. In this chapter, we give you home-hunting tips and suggest ways for you to evaluate the advertised listings and homes you tour so that you can zero in on the best ...

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