Chapter 6: Inheritance: Is That All I Get?
In This Chapter
Defining one class in terms of another, more fundamental class
Differentiating between is a and has a
Substituting one class object for another
Constructing static or instance members
Including constructors in an inheritance hierarchy
Invoking the base class constructor specifically
Object-oriented programming is based on four principles: the ability to control access (encapsulation), inherit from other classes, respond appropriately (polymorphism), and refer from one object to another indirectly (interfaces).
Inheritance is a common concept. I am a human, except when I first wake up. I inherit certain properties from the class Human
, such as my ability to converse, more or less, and my dependence on air, food, and carbohydrate-based beverages with lots of caffeine. The class Human
inherits its dependencies on air, water, ...