Chapter 9. LINQ Operators
This chapter describes each of the LINQ query operators. As well as serving as a reference, two of the sections, “Projection” and Joining, cover a number of conceptual areas:
Projecting object hierarchies
Joining with
, andGroupJoin
Query expressions with multiple range variables
All of the examples in this chapter assume that a names
array is defined as follows:
string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" };
Examples that query a database assume that a typed DataContext
variable called dataContext
is instantiated as follows:
var dataContext = new NutshellContext ("connection string...
"); ... public class NutshellContext : DataContext { public NutshellContext (string cxString) : base (cxString) {} public Table<Customer> Customers { get { return GetTable<Customer>(); } } public Table<Purchase> Purchases { get { return GetTable<Purchase>(); } } } [Table] public class Customer { [Column(IsPrimaryKey=true)] public int ID; [Column] public string Name; [Association (OtherKey="CustomerID")] public EntitySet<Purchase> Purchases = new EntitySet<Purchase>(); } [Table] public class Purchase { [Column(IsPrimaryKey=true)] public int ID; [Column] public int? CustomerID; [Column] public string Description; [Column] public decimal Price; [Column] public DateTime Date; EntityRef<Customer> custRef; [Association (Storage="custRef",ThisKey="CustomerID",IsForeignKey=true)] public Customer Customer { get { return custRef.Entity; } set { custRef.Entity ...
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