You can define your own attributes by inheriting from the Attribute class.
Add a class named CoderAttribute, as shown in the following code:
using System;[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]public class CoderAttribute : Attribute{ public string Coder { get; set; } public DateTime LastModified { get; set; } public CoderAttribute(string coder, string lastModified) { Coder = coder; LastModified = DateTime.Parse(lastModified); }}
In Program, add a method named DoStuff, and decorate it with the Coder attribute, as shown in the following code:
[Coder("Mark Price", "22 August 2017")][Coder("Johnni Rasmussen", "13 September 2017")]public static void DoStuff(){}
In Program.cs ...