Accept method
Add function
ai_family field
ai_flags parameter
ai_socktype field
apt-get command
begin/end methods
BeginConsumption method
Berkeley Sockets
OS X application
ai_family field
ai_socktype field
code implementation
Command Line Tool
getaddrinfo function
socket function
Xcode IDE
send/receive functions
Accept method
Bind method
client code implementation
Close method
code implementation
Connect method
IsValid method
Listen method
Receive method
Socket class
WinsockWrapper class
Wrapping Winsock
Ubuntu, Eclipse
ai_socktype field
code implementation
C++ Project settings window
getaddrinfo function
Google HTTP web server
IP address
socket function
Bind method
Bitwise operators
& (AND) operator
<< and >> operator
^ (executive) operator
| (OR) operator
boost::format function ...

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