8Five Career Anchors Stories

Dr. Seuss:

“And will you succeed?

Yes! You will, indeed!

(98 and ¼ percent guaranteed)”

In order to help you interpret your Anchors and Growth Intentions charts, and to illustrate possible connections between the two, we will now describe in some detail five cases that we have recently encountered that highlight various changes, connections, and combinations of work, home, family, and friendship issues. These cases illustrate not only how each person saw their own career anchors but, importantly, how they saw their own growth or developmental needs—the areas they felt they needed to improve upon.

You might make some notes to yourself in each case where you see similar things happening in your situation and then compare your notes with some of the brief observations we have made about how these cases illustrate new connections and combinations that are more and more common in the changing conditions of life and work.

In all, the two sets of 32 items and the graphical representations are an easy way for you to see your career journey and where you would like to take it or where you would like to grow. And, as we've suggested above, hold on to your Career Anchors and Growth Intentions chart for reference when you are thinking about or planning your next move. When you are asked to describe yourself and your goals, these visuals could be as useful as broad self‐description or a possible informal elevator pitch when job hunting (or hopping).

Are these ...

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