Chapter 13 Now you're ready to hold career conversations!
‘The secret of getting ahead is getting started.'
Mark Twain
Congratulations! Now, with all the learnings of the preceding chapters under your belt, you're ready to hold effective and meaningful career conversations with your employees. Let's take stock of some of the career coaching techniques outlined in this book to help consolidate your learning. Then the only thing left to do is to embed these ideas through practice!
A review of learnings
In chapter 1 I argued the rationale for the provision of organisational career development support by leaders. I discussed the changing world of work, including the emerging gig economy.
The career leadership levers model outlined the key strategies available to leaders to help facilitate and implement their employees' career options and decisions. To assist you in assimilating your learning, I'll briefly summarise how each set of career levers connects to the advice, tools and recommendations provided throughout the book.
Self-insight and goal setting
In chapters 2, 3, 4 and 6, I discussed the importance of developing self-insight, including the role of emotional intelligence, and how this can be used for setting corresponding career goals and vision that align with your employees' hopes and dreams, skills and values.
Motivation and stress control
Chapter 7 explored the importance of intrinsic motivation. Sharing this knowledge with employees helps them understand their own motivational ...
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