Chapter 4. Manual migration 41
4.1.2 Generating the enterprise service
The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based language for
describing Web Services and how to access them. When generating the
enterprise service, WebSphere Studio creates three types of WSDL files:
򐂰 The
interface WSDL file contains the port types and message elements.
򐂰 The
binding WSDL file contains the binding elements that describe how the
service interface is implemented.
򐂰 The
service WSDL file contains the service and port elements that provide the
service location.
Follow these steps to generate the enterprise service for your application:
1. From the Services tab in the Business Integration perspective, right-click your
COBOL (.ccp) file and select New
Service built from.
2. Select IMS and click Next. (If IMS does not appear, the resource adapter was
not imported properly. See 2.3.1, “Importing a resource adapter” on page 16).
Figure 4-2 Creating a service for the IMS resource adapter
42 CCF-to-J2C Architecture Migration
3. On the Connection Properties page, insert the information that is relevant to
your environment. Specifically, enter the host name, port number, default user
name, password, and group name, as well as the data store name specified
by your IMS administrator, as shown in Figure 4-3. Click Next.
Figure 4-3 Generating an enterprise service: Connection Properties
Chapter 4. Manual migration 43
4. On the Service Binding page (Figure 4-4), enter an interface file name
suitable for your application. Note that the rest of the fields are filled in for you.
If you are working with several sets of COBOL files, you should make this
name specific to the nature of the messaging operations in this file. Ensure
that the package and source folders are correct and click Finish.
Figure 4-4 Creating a service binding
44 CCF-to-J2C Architecture Migration
5. Click OK when asked to create binding operations.
The wizard generates WSDL files in the project you created, based on the
information you entered. The WSDL editor is displayed with the WSDL
bindings file open.
6. Right-click the binding that is displayed in the Bindings area and select
Generate Binding Content. Click Add.
7. On the Operation Binding page (Figure 4-5), enter an operation name. For
example, enter run<app-name>Ims where <app-name> is the name of your
application. If you work with several sets of COBOL files, you might make this
name specific to the function of the messaging operations in this file.
Leave the Operation as REQUEST_RESPONSE because there will be two
messages, one for the request to run the IMS transaction and one for the
response from the IMS transaction. Click Next.
Figure 4-5 Creating an operation binding
8. On the IMS Operation Binding Properties page, leave the default values, or
insert values specific to your application. The imsRequestType must be set to
1 to indicate that the interaction with IMS consists of running a transaction.
The interactionVerb field must be set to 1 to indicate that the interaction with
IMS involves a send followed by a receive interaction.
Chapter 4. Manual migration 45
9. On the Operation Binding page, specify input and output messages. Click
Import next to the Input Message input box (Figure 4-6).
Figure 4-6 Operation Binding: Importing input and output operation messages
10.On the File Selection page, select the .ccp file that contains your input
message data to specify the XML schema definition for the input part, then
click Next.

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