94 CCF-to-J2C Architecture Migration
These changes do not modify the basic operation of the application and are
“cosmetic”, all tasks are being done according to the original plan, design and
implementation, but using different classes.
The implementation details are described in 7.2, “CMA-based migration of the
CCF artifacts” on page 97.
7.1.6 Other considerations
The first step in any migration is to consider the goals of the migration: What do
we want to achieve, what are the success criteria, what will make the investment
in the migration worthwhile?
The initial and prime driver for the migration is the need to stop using VisualAge
for Java and CCF in the development of the application. But achieving this will not
make the application any different or give any benefits, apart from releasing the
application from the dependency of unsupported application development tools.
Put bluntly, performing the migration does not give any value-add related to
status quo. The migrated application will be the same to the end users and
For some time, the programmers of the application have discussed whether the
application would benefit from using a managed connection instead of the
application-managed connection currently in use. Among the reasons for the
original use of CCF classes are the current limitations in the deployment
environment. This is due to the use of WebSphere Application Server V4.0.x in a
V3.5 configuration, inhibiting the use of managed connections and other
advanced features of WebSphere 4.0.x.
There are plans for upgrading the current deployment environment from
WebSphere Application Server 4.0.x in Version 3.5 configuration to WebSphere
Application Server 5.x. With this in mind, we want to migrate the application to
use managed connection instead of the application-provided management of the
connection to CICS.
This can only be done manually, which would also give us the ability to compare
the complexity and investment in time in doing a manual migration, relative to an
almost automatic migration.
Performing a manual migration
Based on our knowledge of J2CA, managed connections, and so on, we decided
that the best approach to use is a CommandProxy model, instead of trying to
utilize the managed connections in the original CICS interface model.
Chapter 7. Migrating a real-life application 95
We decided to replace the use of the NovaGateway in the original
implementation with a J2CA CommandProxy implementation. This would give us
a clean cut, removing all low-level interface code with one simple interface,
externally configurable and using JNDI for storing the connection properties.
The component model in Figure 7-6 shows this change. Note that the
CommandProxy is not a single class used in all CTGCommands, but a number of
CommandProxy classes, one for each interaction with CICS.
Figure 7-6 Component model using managed connections
As a consequence of replacing the NovaGateway with the CommandProxy, there
are some changes to the interactions from the CTGCommands. These are
96 CCF-to-J2C Architecture Migration
presented in Figure 7-7 and should be compared to the original interaction flow in
Figure 7-5 on page 88. The most important change is the removal of the method
performRequest(), which contained calls to two methods: buildEci() and
Figure 7-7 Interaction diagram using a CommandProxy
Instead of performRequest(), a number of method calls have been added to
buildResponse(). This is based on the implementation assessment, from which
we figured that the simplest modification and cleanest cut would be to comment
out the calls in performRequest and comment out the call to buildResponse().
Note: This is not a good use of the CommandProxy classes. But the
CTGCommand class hierarchy is very complex. The execute() method is
overwritten in subclasses of the top-level CTGCommand, and the subclass
implementation contains cascading calls to different transactions. Because of
this, the selected implementation was judged the best approach in the short
time frame available. With more time available we would have created a
different and better design.

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