Change and Execute

Book description

The business environment is changing at a faster rate than ever, with transformational shifts taking place in every industry and market in the world. These changes create increased risks for companies that remain complacent.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half-Title
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Contents
  7. Preface
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Author
  10. Introduction
  11. SECTION I Change and Execute
    1. Chapter 1 The World Has Changed
      1. If You Do Not Change, You Will Die
      2. A Blockbuster Failure
      3. Four Core Questions
        1. What Do You Do?
        2. What Could Make You Obsolete or Replaceable?
        3. What Change Can You Make to Eliminate This Risk?
        4. What Specific Actions Can You Take to Execute This Change?
      4. Bringing It All Together
      5. Notes
    2. Chapter 2 You Need to Change
      1. Diffusion of Innovations
        1. Innovators
          1. How Innovators View Change
        2. Early Adopters
          1. How Early Adopters View Change
        3. Early Majority
          1. How the Early Majority Views Change
        4. Late Majority
          1. How the Late Majority Views Change
        5. Laggards
          1. How the Laggards View Change
      2. Four Types of Companies That Fight Change
      3. People Who Don’t Get It Don’t Get That They Don’t Get It
      4. Bringing It All Together
      5. Notes
    3. Chapter 3 For Those Who Want to Win
      1. For Those Who Still Do Not Believe
      2. For Those Who Lost a Grip on Reality
      3. For Those Who Have Analysis Paralysis
      4. For Those Who Weren’t Given a Choice
      5. For Those Who Are Still Fighting Change
      6. For Those Who Fail to Act
      7. Bringing It All Together
      8. Note
  12. SECTION II Digging Deeper
    1. Chapter 4 V-A-L-U-E
      1. Self-Awareness, Authenticity, and Reality
      2. We’re Not Selling T-Shirts Here, Motherf**ker
      3. The ROI of Your Actions
      4. Make It Easy, Not Sexy
      5. Maximize the Value to the Consumer at the Lowest Cost to You
      6. Bringing It All Together
      7. Notes
    2. Chapter 5 A Global Perspective
      1. How Has the Global Economy Changed Your Industry?
      2. What Is Your Competitive Advantage Today?
      3. What Are You Wasting Money On?
      4. Why Are You Trying to Outthink the Room?
      5. Where Do We Go from Here?
      6. Bringing It All Together
    3. Chapter 6 Change, Execute, and the Golden State Warriors
      1. Transform Your Game
      2. Stop Denying the Truth
      3. Let Go of the Past
      4. Trust in Your Data
      5. Take Your Shot
      6. Adapt, Evolve, and Improve
      7. Bringing It All Together
      8. Notes
  13. SECTION III Inside Your Organization
    1. Chapter 7 Leaders
      1. Leverage Cross-functional Collaboration to Solve Dynamic Problems
      2. Be Comfortable Sharing Decision-making Responsibilities
      3. Be Open to Communication Changes
      4. Demonstrate Integrity and Maintain Emotional Discipline
      5. Be Serial Masters Continually Developing Expertise across Domains
      6. Implement Agile Execution Based on Rapid Iteration
      7. Embrace Technology and Use Innovation
      8. Bringing It All Together
    2. Chapter 8 Employees
      1. Become a Specialist by Developing Highly Coveted Skills
      2. Never Stop Learning
      3. Be Flexible: Careers Are Not Linear
      4. Build Your Living Resume
      5. Surround Yourself with Greatness
      6. Be Easy to Work With
      7. Increase Your Technological Prowess
      8. Bringing It All Together
      9. Notes
    3. Chapter 9 Policies, Processes, Procedures, and Performance
      1. Stop Being Process-Focused, Start Being Solutions-Driven
      2. Stop Glorifying Busyness, Start Celebrating Results
      3. Stop Making Work Difficult, Start Delivering Value
      4. Stop Resisting Progress, Start Updating and Automating
      5. Stop Celebrating Mediocrity, Start Elevating Performance
      6. Stop Being Unpredictable, Start Delivering Consistency
      7. Stop Accepting Complacency, Start Being Proactive
      8. Bringing It All Together
      9. Notes
  14. SECTION IV What’s Next?
    1. Chapter 10 The Unimaginable
      1. The Unimaginable Made Your Competitive Advantage Obsolete
      2. The Unimaginable Changed the Game
      3. The Unimaginable Is Everywhere
      4. The Unimaginable Happened
      5. The Unimaginable Requires You to Take Action
      6. Bringing It All Together
      7. Notes
    2. Chapter 11 Level Up
      1. Start Believing the Truth
      2. Stop Trying to Be Right, Worry about Getting It Right!
      3. Start Auditing Your Surroundings
      4. Stop Being Comfort-Centered
      5. Start Truly Committing
      6. Bringing It All Together
      7. Notes
    3. Chapter 12 Ten Changes That Will Transform the Business World over the Next 10 Years
      1. 1. Automation and Artificial Intelligence
        1. Taking Action
      2. 2. Data Analytics
        1. Taking Action
      3. 3. The Internet of Things
        1. Taking Action
      4. 4. Apps and Mobile Devices
        1. Taking Action
      5. 5. Money Management
        1. Taking Action
      6. 6. Expanded Home Delivery
        1. Taking Action
      7. 7. The Death of Television Advertising
        1. Taking Action
      8. 8. The Gig Economy
        1. Taking Action
      9. 9. Reskilling the Workforce
        1. Taking Action
      10. 10. Functionality over Formality
        1. Taking Action
      11. Bringing It All Together
      12. Notes
  15. Conclusion
  16. Appendix: Companies and Industries That Failed to Change
  17. Index

Product information

  • Title: Change and Execute
  • Author(s): Kevin E. Phillips
  • Release date: January 2021
  • Publisher(s): Productivity Press
  • ISBN: 9781000290868