Video description
In this Character Modeling in 3DS Max training course from Brian Mennenoh, you will learn how to create an accurate character model of a human in Autodesk 3ds Max. The tutorial is designed for modellers that want to learn how to utilize polygon modeling to mimic accurate musculature that allows riggers to create realistic movement in the models.
This video tutorial follows the creation of a single 3ds character model project. You will go through each major muscle group, section by section, starting with the chest and upper arms. You build thighs, abs, arms, hands, legs, feet, face, and head. Each part is attached so by the end of the video training course, you have a completed, muscle-realistic structure that can be rigged for movement.
Extensive working and reference files are included in this Autodesk 3ds Max modeling course, so that you can work alongside the author to replicate what he is teaching in each lesson.
Table of contents
Introduction And Project Overview
- Welcome: About This Course 00:01:57
- Using The Project Files 00:01:38
Modeling The Chest And Upper Arm
- Setting Up The Reference Planes 00:12:15
- Starting The Torso 00:05:35
- Continuing The Torso 00:07:48
- Starting The Upper Arm 00:05:42
- Adjusting The Flow Into The Arm 00:04:41
- Connecting The Side Of The Torso 00:04:42
- Correcting Flow 00:03:42
- Back Muscles 00:07:38
Modeling The Thigh
- Gluteus Muscles 00:07:07
- Hamstrings 00:06:56
- Starting The Quadriceps 00:07:57
- Finishing The Quadriceps 00:06:43
- Sartorius Muscle 00:07:12
- Prep For Bridging 00:02:46
- Bridging And Target Welding 00:07:37
- More Bridging And Using Relax 00:08:44
- More Bridging And Flow Connect 00:09:29
- Adjusting Polygon Flow 00:06:03
- Finishing The Outer Thigh 00:05:22
- Bridging The Inner Thigh 00:14:04
- Finishing The Inner Thigh 00:04:05
Modeling The Lower Back And Abdominal Region
- Bridging The Lats And Gluteus 00:08:36
- Forming The Midline Of The Body 00:11:36
- Starting The Abs 00:08:33
- Closing The Upper Ab Gap 00:04:08
- Closing The Lower Ab Gap 00:10:59
- Using Chamfer To Redirect Flow 00:06:57
- Using Bevel To Create Ab Muscles 00:08:32
- Using Chamfer Inset And Bevel 00:09:57
- Adding Lights For Better Visibility 00:04:58
Modeling The Rest Of The Arm
- Setting Up Reference Planes For The Arm 00:07:48
- Continuing The Upper Arm 00:10:44
- Upper Arm And Forearm 00:13:17
- Continuing The Forearm 00:09:31
- Bridging And Welding The Upper Arm 00:12:37
- Bridging And Extruding Edges Of The Forearm 00:07:57
- Adjusting The Flow Of The Biceps 00:08:16
- Using Spin Edges To Adjust The Flow Of The Forearm 00:06:08
- Finishing The Forearm 00:11:55
Modeling The Hand
- Modeling Plane For The Hand 00:03:28
- Extruding The Palm 00:08:23
- Extruding The Fingers 00:08:34
- Refining The Fingers 00:06:40
- Building The Thumb 00:08:46
- Adjusting The Curvature Of The Hand 00:04:31
- Fixing The Fingertips 00:09:02
- Using Bevel Chamfer And Inset For Details 00:13:29
- Using Inset And Extrude For Fingernails 00:07:26
- Adjusting The Thumb 00:12:38
Modeling The Lower Leg
- Starting With The Calf Muscle 00:05:12
- Extruding Edges Around The Knee Cap 00:06:31
- Sides Of The Lower Leg 00:07:24
- Shin Bone 00:06:19
- Filling In Around The Knee Cap 00:06:01
- Bridging The Back Of The Knee 00:09:09
- Bridging The Inner Thigh 00:06:52
- Finishing The Inner Thigh 00:05:55
- Finishing The Lower Leg 00:13:42
- The Achilles Tendon 00:05:55
Modeling The Foot
- Creating The Top Of The Foot 00:06:54
- Defining The Ankle Bones 00:06:24
- Continuing The Foot 00:06:14
- The Sole Of The Foot 00:07:55
- Capping The End Of The Foot 00:08:25
- Extruding The Toes 00:12:14
- Adjusting The Toes 00:14:24
- Adjusting The Foot 00:05:33
Realigning With The Gambler Drawing
- Realigning With Concept Art 00:07:06
Modeling The Face And Head
- Starting The Face 00:08:48
- Starting The Mouth 00:10:24
- Creating The Jaw Line And Bridging The Cheek 00:07:49
- Creating The Bridge Of The Nose 00:03:21
- Forming The Nostril 00:12:10
- Bridging The Chin 00:08:01
- Adjusting Volume Using Paint Deformation 00:06:27
- Creating The Skull Dome 00:10:44
- Closing The Side Of The Skull 00:05:11
- Starting The Ear 00:10:03
- Preparing To Bridge The Ear 00:06:02
- Bridging The Ear 00:08:17
- Detailing The Ear 00:09:02
Modeling The Eye Socket, Mouth Interior And Neck
- Adding The Eye Socket 00:05:04
- Adding The Eye Ball 00:06:50
- Starting The Neck 00:06:08
- Joining The Neck And Head 00:12:28
- Filling In The Back Of The Shoulder 00:12:24
- Filling In The Front Of The Shoulder 00:10:22
- Finishing The Neck 00:05:38
- Joining The Halves And Adjusting 00:12:33
- Finishing The Mouth 00:11:59
Final Adjustments
- Finishing The Body 00:07:07
- Final Smoothing and Adjustments 00:05:54
Wrap Up
- The Gamblers Clothes 00:01:40
- About The Author 00:02:44
Product information
- Title: Character Modeling in 3ds Max
- Author(s):
- Release date: October 2012
- Publisher(s): Infinite Skills
- ISBN: 9781771370424
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