3The Usefulness of Cindynics Tools

3.1. Qualification grid for risk sources that are not easily identifiable

Faced with the nature of risk sources that are less easily grasped, cindynics has adapted the method of relativized conceptualization (MRC) in order to describe them. Thus, a qualification grid could be obtained, based on the five qualifiers of the hyperspace of danger (see Chapter 1, section 1.3). These qualifiers, the most commonly used representation of which is presented in Figure 3.1 with the term “hazard hyperspace”, allow a relativized description of these other types of risk sources to be obtained. This grid is therefore used as a qualification tool.

Schematic illustration of hazard hyperspace.

Figure 3.1. Hazard hyperspace. For a color version of this figure, see www.iste.co.uk/planchette/cindynics.zip

The meaning of the axes of the “hyperspace of danger” qualification grid are as follows:

Axis (1): dimension of facts, data and statistics. It answers the questions: what are the facts? What do the actors know?

Axis (2): dimension of representations and models developed from facts. It answers the questions: which models are the different networks of actors based on in order to understand and act? What representations do they make of them?

Axis (3): dimension of the purposes (social translation of the organization and its networks of actors). It answers the questions: what is the raison d’être? What is ...

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