Appendix D

Computation of Partial Coefficients of Potential

The second set of partial elements needed for PEEC models are partial coefficients of potential. The computation of these coefficients is fundamental for the capacitance calculations in Chapter 4 and also PEEC equivalent circuits in Chapter 6. This appendix is dedicated to the evaluation of the potential coefficients for surface charge cells. For clarity and ease of use, we again transformed all formulas to the same coordinate system and orientation. The basic formula for a quasistatic partial potential coefficient is given by (4.26) as

where the details on the surface integrals are given in Section 6.3.3.

Here, c0D-math-002 is a scalar Green's function, which is quasi-static unless the retardation in it is included as done in Section 5.8. The frequency domain retardation is not considered inside of the integrals in this appendix, while the time domain fundamentally includes delays externally. Methods for including the frequency domain delay are considered in Chapters 5 and 13. The partial coefficients of potential consist of normalized symmetric integrations over two cell surfaces c0D-math-003 and in (D.1).

We want to point out that the ...

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