Summary 203
Because Unity uses a mail system, such as Exchange or Domino, as its mail store, it must
be capable of acting as a client of that mail store. Whether submitting new messages or
playing messages to a Unity subscriber over the phone, Unity interacts with that mail
system. Other Unity features, such as MWI and message notification, also rely on the mail
system for updates on changes to user’s inboxes.
The Unity messaging components work together to make all of this happen. The MAL
provides a simpler common interface while hiding the complex details of mail system
operation for DOH clients, including the conversation to create and the capability to send
and retrieve voice-mail messages. The AvWm provides a method for Unity components,
such as the UMR, to test for mail server availability. The UMR provides a fall-back method
of local message storage and retrieval when the mail system is unavailable. The Message
Store Monitor handles the details of receiving updates on changes to a subscriber’s inbox,
while providing a catalyst for the MWI and notification process.
10:53:46:343 (CiscoUnity_ConvMsg,2004,CDE,0) [Thread 796] [Port 1] Exiting method
CheckDominoMailStoreType normally for state [Count messages & get sub. properties
10:53:46:344 (CiscoUnity_ConvMsg,2004,CDE,0) [Thread 796] [Port 1] Exiting method
OnEntry normally for state [Count messages & get sub. properties state]
10:53:46:359 (CiscoUnity_ConvMsg,2003,CDE,0) [Thread 796] [Port 1] Entering method
OnEntry of state [Greet and play message count state]
Example 5-7 Conversation Diagnostics Showing Use of Messaging Components for Subscriber

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