
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figure and table respectively


AAA. see Authentication, Authorization, and Accountability
Access control list (ACL), 205206
ACL. see Access control list
ActionScript, 144145
Active content, 107108
ActiveX controls, 109110, 113
adding and removing, 116
Authenticode, 115
configuring browser, 115
digital signatures, 114115
downloading, 114
drive-by download, 117
implementation wise, 113114
Microsoft recommendations, 115116
OLE, 113
Opt-In prompt, 117, 118
Protected Mode, 118
security risk with, 116
HTML 5, 127
Java, 109110, 118
benefits, 119
bytecode, 121122
security problems, detection of, 121122
JRE 122
JVM, 119
platform and browser independence, 121
security risks, 120
security ...

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