1 SPACE: A psychological model for use within cognitive behavioural coaching, therapy and stress management
Nick Edgerton & Stephen Palmer
This paper introduces ‘SPACE’, a comprehensive psychological model that can be used within cognitive behavioural coaching, therapy and stress management to aid assessment, explain the cognitive model to the client, and assist in the development of a coaching, therapeutic or training programme. Other models, coaching processes and acronyms will be briefly covered to put ‘SPACE’ into a coaching context. For illustrative purposes this paper will focus on coaching.
Over the past couple of decades a number of different coaching models, processes and associated acronyms have been developed by coaching practitioners to enhance and inform their practice, and provide a useful framework. These models are usually shared with the client in a transparent manner and help to facilitate the change and goal-focused process. The next section will highlight a number of the different models including the cognitive model. Then the SPACE model will be illustrated.
Original publication details: Edgerton, N., & Palmer, S. (2005, November). SPACE: A psychological model for use within cognitive behavioural coaching, therapy and stress management. The Coaching Psychologist, 2(2), 25–31. Reproduced with permission of The British Psychological Society.
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