+ (addition operator), 27
&& (AND operator), 38
= (assignment operator), 19
... (closed range operator), 48
/ (division operator), 27
== (equal to operator), 36
> (greater than operator), 37
< (less than operator), 37
% (modulo operator), 30, 55, 105
* (multiplication operator), 27
?? (nil coalescing operator), 65, 151, 185
!= (not equal to operator), 36
! (NOT operator), 38
|| (OR operator), 38
| (pipe), 248
- (subtraction operator), 27
addition operator (+), 27
alpha (transparency setting), 286–287
anchorPoint property, 208–209, 287
AND operator (&&), 38
app icon, adding to project, 125
Apple ID (Apple account)
creating, 5
for running app on a device, 14
signing in to Xcode, 7
applications. See apps
application delegate, 174 ...
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