Adams, Ansel, 108,206

Adaptive white point, 247-248

Adcock, Gary, ix

Additive color, 250

After Effects

balancing colors, 24, 27

capabilities, 261265

day for night, 198200

Info Tab, 99

tonal range controls, 112, 114

Allard, Matt, 42

Ally McBeal, 156

Alpha channel, 218-219

Art and Technique of Digital Color Correction, The36,41,71,136,141,205,246

Artbeats, 7678,90,101,149,195

Averaged color sampling, 98103


built-in scopes,53

capabilities, 265266

eyedropper, 1819 HSL Controls Tab, 7274 Hue Offsets tonal control, 3

Media Composer, see Media Composer

splits, 70

Symphony, see Symphony tonal range controls, 112113

Backlight, monitors, 3334,36, 41,48

Back porch,57

Balancing colors

color wheels, 2023

Curves, 2629

eyedropper analysis, ...

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