5In This Way, but Nicely. Pattern Avoidance. Follow-Up.

DOI: 10.1201/9780429274107-5

5.1 Polynomial Recurrences

5.1.1 Polynomially Recursive Functions

In the previous chapter, we spent considerable time and effort to find out how large the numbers Avn(q) are. In this chapter, we will mostly concentrate on how nice they are, or rather, how nice the sequence {Avn(q)}1n is. By abuse of language, we will often refer to this sequence as the sequence Avn(q).

First, of course, we should define what we mean by “nice.” We have already made one important definition, that of P-recursive (or polynomially recursive) sequences in Exercise 29 of Chapter 1, but for easy reference we repeat that definition here.

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