Chapter 1

Looking at the Finer Points of Great Communication

In This Chapter

arrow Communicating with your whole self

arrow Seeking clarity at all times

arrow Treating other people with respect

arrow Dealing with awkward situations

You’re always communicating. Whether you’re dozing by the fireplace on a chilly winter night, praising your children for their successes at school or admonishing an employee for showing up late for work — you’re continuously sending out messages through your words, voice and body.

Sometimes your communications are crystal clear, such as when your eyes are sparkling, your mouth is in a full-blown smile and you’re holding your arms out wide ready to embrace a returning loved one. But at other times you can convey an unintended message, such as appearing sad, angry or despondent when in fact you’re simply considering how to respond to a challenging situation. As a result, taking a level of control about how and what you communicate is vitally important in your personal and business lives.

In this chapter you discover the fundamental points for communicating like a pro, which involve ...

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