FADET I, 221, 279–283, 293, 355
FADET II, 221, 279, 282, 355
potential, 59, 72
two-dimensional incompressible flow, 113
pressure, 225
temperature, 225
velocity’s, 225
viscosity, 225
flap-surface, 273
flaps, 106, 109, 147, 157, 172, 173, 176, 177, 220
closed, 270
leading edge’s, 18, 172, 271, 354
in open (expanded) position, 147, 172, 270, 273, 295
in retracted (closed) position, 147, 172, 273
movable, 147, 157, 172, 270, 273, 355, 356
flat plate, 65, 207, 220
flattened FC, 4, 26, 34, 35–38, 58, 106, 189, 264, 271, 351
flattening, 286
dynamics, 269, 285
mechanics, 185, 189, 221
navigation, 185, 189, 221
stability of, 221
supersonic, 351
with shock-free surfaces, 351
chart, 283
computation of, 356
conical, 60

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