Chapter 17: Wireless Network Security

Review Questions/Exercises


1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False

Multiple Choice

1. C
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. B



The following is a partial exercise solution. The students should be able to expand on the following:
Short for Wired Equivalent Privacy, WEP is a security protocol for wireless local area networks (WLAN), as defined in the 802.11b standard. WEP is designed to provide the same level of security as that of a wired LAN. LANs are inherently more secure than WLANs, because LANs are somewhat protected by the physical nature of their structure, having some or all part of the network inside a building that can be protected from unauthorized access. WLANs, which use radio waves, do not have the ...

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