Chapter 6

Color and color models

6.1     CIEXY Z color space

6.2     RGB color space

6.3     CMY and CMYK color spaces

6.4     HSV and HSL color spaces

6.4.1     HSV color model

6.4.2     HSL color model

6.5     Gamma correction

6.6     Yuv and YCBCR color spaces

6.6.1     Y′uv color space

6.6.2     Y′CbCr color space

6.7     Perceptually uniform color spaces, Luv and Lab color spaces

6.8     sRGB color space

The concept of color is both connected with light and its properties and how human vision interprets light. Light itself is a pure physical notion and can be thought of as a collection of electromagnetic waves with different wavelengths. The human eye can see only the light whose wavelength falls into the range of approximately ...

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