Problems 11.1 to 11.4 provide technical details used in Chapter 11. In each example, the integer m has the factorization into primes
The ciphertext files cipherPr11.1-cipherPr11.12 may be downloaded from the following ftp address: ftp://ftp.wiley.com/public/sci_tech_med/computer_security.
11.1 Show how the principle of inclusion–exclusion can be used to derive the formula of Proposition 11.6 for the Euler totient function.
11.2 Prove that Ωm = {ω : 1 = gcd{ω, m}} is a group; that is,
11.2a ω1, ω2 ∈ ωm ω1ω2 ∈ Ωm;
11.2b 1 ∈ Ωm;
11.2c If ω ∈ Ωm, then ω−1 ∈ Ωm.
11.3 Prove that the cardinality of |Ωm| is the value of the Euler totient functjon ϕ(m).
11.4 Calculate the cardinality of Γm(s) = {ωs : ω ∈ Ωm}.
Problems 11.5 to 11.8 provide examples of Merkle–Hellman knapsack encipherment. They require two programs: the first to encipher ASCII character plaintext, and the second to decipher ciphertext.
The Merkle–Hellman encipherment program takes as parameters
• The number of knapsack lengths n,
• The vector of public knapsack lengths a = (a0, a1, …, an−1), and
• A string of N ASCII characters x = (x0), x1), …, x(N−1)),
and returns ciphertext formatted as in Section 11.5.
The Merkle–Hellman decipherment program ciphertext takes as parameters
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