Video description
- Alligator clips
- Jumper wires
- Banana plugs
- Nuts and bolts
- Ring crimp terminals
- Connect wires to the micro:bit using multiple methods
- Code the micro:bit to use external accessories
Table of contents
- Connecting Wires and Accessories to the micro:bit with Clips, Plugs, Nuts, and Connectors 00:00:44
Introduction to the micro:bit, connecting wires
- Connecting Wires and Accessories to the micro:bit - Introduction to the micro:bit 00:01:34
- Connecting jumper wires to the micro:bit 00:05:03
- Connecting wires to the micro:bit using aligator clips 00:04:25
- Connecting wires to the micro:bit using banana plugs 00:03:43
- Connecting wires to the micro:bit using nuts and bolts 00:04:13
- Connecting wires to the micro:bit using ring crimp terminals 00:03:43
- Connecting wires to the micro:bit using the edge connector breakout board 00:04:01
Creating Code
- Coding a Button 00:04:00
- Coding an LED 00:02:02
- Coding a RGB LED 00:04:33
- Summary 00:01:43
Product information
- Title: Connecting Wires and Accessories to the micro:bit: Getting Started with an ARM-Based Embedded System
- Author(s):
- Release date: August 2018
- Publisher(s): Apress
- ISBN: 9781484239346
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