
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “t” indicate tables and “b” indicates boxes.’
A/B testing, 40 , 401–402
Abstract vs. concrete data, 51–54
Activity Explorer Focus Area, 447
Adjunct team members, 467–468
Affinity, 123–124 , 127 , 143–146 , 148 , 209 , 253–254 , 256–257 , 321 , 474
building, 127–138 , 130f
building affinity as team, 138–142
during construction, 129f
design communication and, 143–146
panels, 257
Agile, 456–457
iterations, 311–312
methods, 393–394
process, 367b , 418–419
Apple technology, 236–237
creating distribution technology and relationships, 237f
iPhone, 238
products evolution, 238f
Apprenticeship, 49–50
ARPAnet, 235
Artifacts, 270
model, 113 , 208 ...

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