Converting to DFSMSrmm from Control-T

Book description

DFSMSrmm is the IBM tape management system for OS/390 and z/OS platforms. As part of DFSMS, DFSMSrmm is completely integrated into the IBM storage management strategy. This allows easier installation and maintenance, as well as standard interfaces with other systems components, such as DFSMSdfp and DFSMShsm.

DFSMSrmm provides a simple and flexible tape management environment, with support for all tape technologies, including IBM automated tape libraries, manual tapes, and other tape libraries.

This IBM Redbooks publication is written for people who are planning to convert from Control-T to DFSMSrmm. We have designed this book to help you with all aspects of the conversion, from the early planning stage through implementation and customization of DFSMSrmm into your production system.

We provide details on the differences between DFSMSrmm and Control-T and compare the terminology, data, and functions. We also explain how to use the IBM-supplied sample conversion programs, validate the converted data, and prepare it for use in a production environment. Working samples that are ready for use both during and after conversion are included.

Table of contents

  1. Figures (1/2)
  2. Figures (2/2)
  3. Tables
  4. Examples (1/2)
  5. Examples (2/2)
  6. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  7. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this redbook
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  8. Chapter 1: Introduction
    1. DFSMSrmm overview
      1. Environment
      2. How is DFSMSrmm structured?
      3. What are the DFSMSrmm interfaces? (1/2)
      4. What are the DFSMSrmm interfaces? (2/2)
      5. Library and storage location management (1/2)
      6. Library and storage location management (2/2)
      7. Media types
      8. Volume management (1/2)
      9. Volume management (2/2)
      10. Policies for retention and movement (1/2)
      11. Policies for retention and movement (2/2)
      12. DFSMSrmm automated tape library support
      13. Catalog synchronization
    2. Conversion process overview
  9. Chapter 2: Planning for conversion
    1. Planning considerations
      1. Software maintenance levels
      2. Timing of events in your installation
      3. Change management
      4. Limiting business risk
    2. Conversion process
    3. Conversion stages
      1. Preparing a conversion plan
      2. Learning about DFSMSrmm
      3. Starting DFSMSrmm
      4. Analyzing the current environment
      5. Extracting data for conversion
      6. Completing conversion
      7. Parallel running and validation
      8. Cutover to production
      9. Measuring success
      10. Full exploitation
      11. Uninstall all vendor tape management code from your system
  10. Chapter 3: Preparing the environment
    1. DFSMSrmm implementation
      1. Installation wizards
      2. Update installation-wide exits
      3. Update and validate PARMLIB members (1/5)
      4. Update and validate PARMLIB members (2/5)
      5. Update and validate PARMLIB members (3/5)
      6. Update and validate PARMLIB members (4/5)
      7. Update and validate PARMLIB members (5/5)
      8. Creating a starting procedure
      9. Define an alias for high-level qualifier RMM
      10. Protecting DFSMSrmm resources
      11. Defining RACF groups for DFSMSrmm
      12. Create the DFSMSrmm control data set (CDS)
      13. Create the DFSMSrmm CDS as extended format
      14. Create the DFSMSrmm journal
      15. Restart MVS with DFSMSrmm implemented
      16. Starting and restarting DFSMSrmm
      17. Stopping DFSMSrmm
      18. Setting up DFSMSrmm utilities
      19. Running the installation verification program
    2. Tailoring the DFSMSrmm ISPF dialog
      1. Adding DFSMSrmm to ISPF panels
      2. Modifying the DFSMSrmm panel
      3. Other changes
    3. Making TSO HELP information available to users
    4. Verifying your DFSMSrmm implementation
      1. Display PARMLIB options and control information
      2. Add owner information
      3. Add racks to DFSMSrmm
      4. Add volumes to DFSMSrmm
      5. Add bins to DFSMSrmm
      6. Add a VRS to DFSMSrmm
      7. Create tape data sets
      8. Allocate inventory management data sets
      9. Run inventory management
      10. Confirm movements
      11. Create reports
      12. Run EDGINERS to initialize volumes automatically
      13. Restore the CDS
      14. Verify the CDS
      15. Testing implemented exits
      16. Testing application use of tape
    5. Education
    6. New operator procedures
  11. Chapter 4: DFSMSrmm ACS support
    1. DFSMSrmm SMS ACS support
      1. How it works
      2. ACS support for non-system managed volumes
      3. Non-system managed tape libraries
      4. SMS read-only variables
      5. Implementing SMS ACS processing (1/4)
      6. Implementing SMS ACS processing (2/4)
      7. Implementing SMS ACS processing (3/4)
      8. Implementing SMS ACS processing (4/4)
      9. Migration considerations
    2. Partitioning a SMS library
    3. Using DFSMSrmm with virtual tape solutions
      1. VTS support for stacked volumes
      2. Stacked volume support for non-VTS
  12. Chapter 5: Control-T and DFSMSrmm
    1. Terminology (1/3)
    2. Terminology (2/3)
    3. Terminology (3/3)
    4. Functions
    5. Retention methods
    6. Volume and data set record display
      1. Rule definition display
      2. Volume display
      3. Data set display
    7. Data fields
      1. Data unavailable for conversion
      2. Data not converted
      3. Data converted, but not quite the same
    8. Cross-reference
      1. Volume information
      2. Data set name information
      3. Vital record information
      4. Empty rack and bin information
      5. Owner record information
  13. Chapter 6: Data extraction
    1. Samples and programs
      1. Sample data extraction jobs provided with DFSMSrmm
      2. Sample extraction REXX execs provided with DFSMSrmm
      3. Conversion programs and exits provided with DFSMSrmm
      4. Macros provided with DFSMSrmm
      5. Sample exits described in this book
    2. Reviewing the current environment
      1. Collecting information
      2. Analyzing the record layouts
      3. Control-T user exits
      4. Control-T PARMLIB options
      5. Control-T pattern masking
      6. Inventory management and reports
      7. Exits
      8. Data set overwrite
      9. BLP and NL processing
      10. DFSMShsm interface
      11. Tape initialization
      12. Tape pool management
    3. Retention and movement
      1. Retention management
      2. Storage location management (1/2)
      3. Storage location management (2/2)
    4. Interfaces
      1. SMS interface
      2. BTLS interface
      3. Short-on-scratch processing interface
      4. TSO and ISPF interfaces
      5. Other interfaces
    5. Sample extraction programs
    6. Control-T data extraction
      1. Preparing to run the extract
      2. Unload the Control-T DBD records
      3. Create an extended Control-T record
      4. Extracting data from the extended DBD records (1/2)
      5. Extracting data from the extended DBD records (2/2)
      6. Extracting data from the RULES file
      7. Correcting rules
    7. Am I ready to continue?
  14. Chapter 7: Building the CDS
    1. Preparing to run EDGCNVT
      1. System-managed volumes
      2. Pool prefixes
      3. VRS conversion
      4. Movement tracking date
    2. EDGCNVT and EDGCEBIN processing
      1. Running EDGCNVT and EDGCEBIN
      2. EDGCNVT execution parameter
      3. EDGCNVT input files
      4. EDGCNVT output files
      5. EDGCNVT return codes
      6. EDGCNVT messages
    3. EDGCEBIN processing
      1. EDGCEBIN execution parameter
      2. EDGCEBIN input files
      3. EDGCEBIN output files
      4. EDGCEBIN return codes
      5. 6.3.5 EDGCEBIN messages
    4. EDGRACS processing
      1. EDGRACS input files
      2. EDGRACS output files
      3. EDGRACS return codes
    5. EDGCNXIT user exit
      1. EDGCNXIT input
      2. EDGCNXIT output
    6. DFSMSrmm CDS creation
      1. Run EDGJLOAD
      2. Create the DFSMSrmm CDS control record
    7. Verifying the DFSMSrmm CDS
    8. Running DFSMSrmm commands
      1. Adding empty bins
      2. Adding VRSs
  15. Chapter 8: Parallel running and validation
    1. Preparing to run in parallel
      1. Validate PARMLIB members
      2. IEFSSNxx - Subsystem definition
      3. EDGRMMxx - DFSMSrmm options (1/2)
      4. EDGRMMxx - DFSMSrmm options (2/2)
      5. Check the DFSMSrmm procedure
      6. Exits
      7. CA-Disk interface
      8. Verify authorization and security
      9. Prepare inventory management using EDGHSKP (1/2)
      10. Prepare inventory management using EDGHSKP (2/2)
      11. Inventory and movement reporting using EDGRPTD
      12. Catalog synchronization
      13. Check interfaces
    2. Parallel processing
    3. Starting tape and inventory management
      1. First run of EDGHSKP with PARM(VRSEL)
      2. Disabling the journal data set
      3. Enabling the journal data set
    4. Validating DFSMSrmm operation
      1. Data set name list of non-scratch volumes
      2. Scratch volume lists
      3. Inventory by location
      4. Multifile multi-volume reports
      5. Comparing results
      6. Checking WTORs and messages
    5. Keeping databases synchronized
  16. Chapter 9: Cutover to production
    1. EDGRMMxx PARMLIB options
      1. OPTION command
      2. VLPOOL command
    2. Control access to DFSMSrmm functions
    3. Activate exits
    4. Remove Control-T
    5. Modifying CA-Disk
    6. Inventory management
    7. Interface to tape libraries
      1. System-managed IBM 3494 and IBM 3495 tape libraries
      2. Other tape libraries
    8. Starting DFSMSrmm
    9. Final testing
      1. DB2 logging and backup
      2. RACF tape protection
      3. Robot interface
      4. Non-system managed libraries SMS ACS support
    10. Commitment to DFSMSrmm
    11. Final activities
      1. Uninstalling Control-T
      2. Cleaning up your DFSMSrmm implementation
      3. Implementing additional functions
  17. Chapter 10: Policy management
    1. VRS related PARMLIB options
      1. CATRETPD
      2. MOVEBY
      3. RETAINBY
      4. REUSEBIN
      5. VRSCHANGE
      7. VRSMIN
      8. VRSEL
    2. VRS types
      1. Data set VRS (1/2)
      2. Data set VRS (2/2)
      3. Volume VRS
      4. Name VRS
    3. Specifying VRS parameters
      1. DSNAME and NAME retention types
      2. Special NAME retention type
      3. Volume retention types
      4. Retention limits
      5. Movement policies
      6. Release options
    4. Chaining VRSs
      1. VRS chain and subchain
    5. Managing DFSMShsm tapes
    6. DFSMS ACS support
    7. Modifying VRS
    8. Deleting VRS
    9. Trial run
    10. VRS examples
      1. ADDVRS operand defaults
      2. Adding a single VRS
      3. VRS chain with one NEXTVRS operand
      4. VRS chain with two ANDVRS operands
      5. VRS chain with two subchains
    11. Complex VRS chain with three subchains
    12. VRS hints and tips
  18. Chapter 11: Tailoring your DFSMSrmm environment
    1. IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler
      1. IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler overview
      2. Schedule your inventory management tasks
      3. Preparation
      4. CDS verify
      5. CDS backup
      6. Inventory management
      7. Erasing and labeling volumes
      8. Scratch processing
      9. Scratch reporting
      10. Ejecting volumes from a system-managed tape library
      11. Producing reports
      12. Move confirmation
      13. Additional considerations
    2. Activate RACF TAPEVOL and TAPEDSN
      1. Before you can start
      2. DFSMSrmm RACF tape security support
      3. DFSMSrmm automatic tape security support
      4. DFSMSrmm OPTION command operand TPRACF
      5. DFSMSrmm VLPOOL command operand RACF
      6. Running DFSMShsm and DFSMSrmm
      7. Define RACF profiles
      8. Final RACF activities
    3. Maintaining your control data set (CDS)
      1. Using EDGHSKP
      2. Using EDGBKUP (1/2)
      3. Using EDGBKUP (2/2)
      4. EDGUTIL
    4. Initialize and erase volumes
    5. Disposition processing
    6. Software products and foreign tapes
      1. Defining software products
      2. Foreign tapes
    7. DFSMSrmm volume pools
      1. Defining pools
      2. Scratch pooling
    8. Delete non-existent volumes
    9. Repairing actions
      1. Verify
      2. Mend
      3. DFSMSrmm CDS and DFSMShsm consistency checking
      4. Using DFSMSrmm with BTLS
      5. Using DFSMSrmm with non-IBM libraries
  19. Chapter 12: Reporting on your DFSMSrmm environment
    1. Requesting DFSMSrmm resource information
      1. Working with resource lists
      2. Displaying information from DFSMSrmm (1/4)
      3. Displaying information from DFSMSrmm (2/4)
      4. Displaying information from DFSMSrmm (3/4)
      5. Displaying information from DFSMSrmm (4/4)
    2. Reporting utilities
      1. Security and audit reports
      2. Inventory management reports
      3. Inventory, movement and scratch list reports
      4. DFSMSrmm-supplied EXECs (1/2)
      5. DFSMSrmm-supplied EXECs (2/2)
    3. DFSORT reporting
    4. DFSMSrmm report generator
      1. Setting up the report generator
      2. The report type support
      3. The reporting tool support
      4. The report definition support
      5. Using the report generator
      6. Report generator messages
    5. Sample reports
  20. Chapter 13: Splitting and merging your DFSMSrmm CDS
    1. When to merge or split
      1. Considerations
      2. PARMLIB options
      3. Merging the CDS
      4. Splitting the CDS (1/2)
      5. Splitting the CDS (2/2)
      6. Converting to an existing CDS
    2. Merging DFSMSrmm environments
      1. One or more RMMplexes
      2. Considerations for merging RMMplexes (1/3)
      3. Considerations for merging RMMplexes (2/3)
      4. Considerations for merging RMMplexes (3/3)
      5. Methodology for merging RMMplexes
      6. Tools and documentation
  21. Appendix A: Conversion checklist (1/2)
  22. Appendix A: Conversion checklist (2/2)
  23. Appendix B: Conversion record layouts
    1. Record layout description
    2. EDGCDREC record layout
      1. Constants
      2. Cross reference
    3. EDGCEREC record layout
      1. Constants
      2. Cross reference
    4. EDGCKREC record layout
      1. Constants
      2. Cross reference
    5. EDGCLREC record layout (1/2)
    6. EDGCLREC record layout (2/2)
      1. Constants
      2. Cross reference
    7. EDGCOREC record layout
      1. Constants
      2. Cross reference
  24. Appendix C: Security topics
    1. RACF implementation
      1. Assign a RACF user ID for DFSMSrmm
      2. Identify DFSMSrmm to RACF
      3. Define DFSMSrmm resources to RACF
      4. Define RACF groups for DFSMSrmm users (1/4)
      5. Define RACF groups for DFSMSrmm users (2/4)
      6. Define RACF groups for DFSMSrmm users (3/4)
      7. Define RACF groups for DFSMSrmm users (4/4)
    2. CA-Top Secret implementation
      1. Define user groups
    3. ACF2 implementation
      1. Define data set rules
      2. Define DFSMSrmm resources
  25. Appendix D: Additional material
    1. Locating the Web material
    2. Using the Web material
      1. System requirements for downloading the Web material
      2. How to use the Web material
  26. Glossary (1/4)
  27. Glossary (2/4)
  28. Glossary (3/4)
  29. Glossary (4/4)
  30. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
      1. Other resources
    2. Referenced Web sites
    3. How to get IBM Redbooks
      1. IBM Redbooks collections
  31. Index (1/4)
  32. Index (2/4)
  33. Index (3/4)
  34. Index (4/4)
  35. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: Converting to DFSMSrmm from Control-T
  • Author(s): Mary Lovelace, Norbert Schlumberger
  • Release date: January 2004
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None