© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004. All rights reserved. 699
3420 143
3480 cartridge system tape 143, 484
3490 cartridge system tape 143, 484
3494 Automated Tape Library Dataserver 479
3495 Automated Tape Library Dataserver 479
3590 High Performance Tape Subsystem 143
access method services
ACF2 DFSMSrmm definitions 674
ACS processing
pooling decisions 165
ACS routine 223
ACS routines 140, 159, 228, 406
EDGRMMxx OPTION subparameters 138
EDGUX100 user exit 139
how it works 140
MSPOOL variable 141
PREACS processing 142
pre-ACS processing 141
PREACS subparameter 139
scratch pooling 140
SMSACS subparameter 139
VRSs in MC routine 165
addition of a VRS name 300
additional functions 388
allocation 9
alter volume ownership 300
analyzing the record layouts 209
ANDVRS operand 416
See Application Programming Interface
Application Programming Interface 14
ARCTVEXT exit 61, 135, 217
assigning media type 278
See automated tape library
audit records 79
authorization and security 322
automated tape library
Basic Tape Library Support 143, 479
LIBRARY command 480
scratch pool 479
bin assignment 352
bin number 19
BLP and NL processing 216
boxes 202
considerations for RMMplex 583
See Basic Tape Library Support
cabinets 202
cartridge change use attributes exit 61, 133
cartridge eject exit 61, 133
cartridge entry exit 61, 133
catalog interface 12
catalog synchronization 340
authorization required 330
disabling 337
EDGUTIL utility 329
enabling 331
enabling JCL 339
journal considerations 339
LISTCONTROL subcommand 338, 341
message data set 338
CA-Top Secret definitions 670
CBRUXCUA exit 12, 61, 134
CBRUXEJC exit 12, 61, 134
CBRUXENT exit 12, 61, 134, 169–170
CBRUXVNL exit 12, 61, 134
See control data set
CDS merge 572
LOCDEF command 570
PARMLIB options 570
REJECT command 571
VLPOOL command 571
700 Converting to DFSMSrmm from TLMS
CDS split 576
LOCDEF command 570
PARMLIB options 570
REJECT command 571
VLPOOL command 571
CDS-driven tape erasing and labeling 389
centralize control of retention and movement 385
change management 48
changing media name 282
checklist 607
cleaning up 383
collecting information 208
command running 306
comparing scratch lists 354
concurrent copy 452
confirm movements 124
control data set 2
action record 563
backup 438, 452
backup and recovery 4
bin record 568
contents 563
control record 563
create 91
data set record 564
extended format 95
forward recover 128
initialize 94
mend 475
merge 562
overview 7
owner record 564
product record 565
rack record 566
restore 127
space allocation 304
split 562
verify 131, 305, 438, 474
volume record 569
VRS record 564
control data set and journal backup 323
control information display 110
adding empty bins 306
adding VRS 307
analyzing current environment 55
completing 56
conversion plan 52
cutover 56
data unavailable 192
extracting data 55
full exploitation 57
learning 54
macros 207
measuring success 57
parallel running and validation 56
planning 48
process 42, 49
process flow 52
programs and exits 206–207
sample exits 207
sample schedule 53
stages 44, 51
starting DFSMSrmm 54
conversion checklist 607
create CDS 302
create extract data set 323
cross-reference 193
customizing DFSMSrmm
enable TSO HELP 109
cutover to production 361
data set
cycle 402
data set data fields 192
data set list 349
data set mask 238
data set name mask 384
data set overwrite 215
data set retention 32, 225
data set VRS 402
database synchronization 354
DB2 logging and backup 377
default media name 283
default retention days 212
default retention period 72, 317
define pools 75
defining locations 276
delete non-existent volumes 387
deletion policies 203
DFRMMLOC statement 238
DFSMS ACS support 419
DFSMSdfp 10
DFSMSdss 11
DFSMSdss CDS backup 129
DFSMSdss concurrent copy 663
Index 701
DFSMShsm 11
consistency checking 478
DFSMShsm and DFSMSrmm interface 135
DFSMShsm interface 217
DFSMShsm tapes 418
interfaces 8
reports 485
retrieving information 485
structure 7
DFSMSrmm CDS control record 304
DFSMSrmm education 136
DFSMSrmm PARMLIB options 209
DFSMSrmm policies 225
DFSMSrmm reporting
audit reports 526
creating resource lists 487
data set display 511
data set lists 495
DFSMSrmm options display 521
display information 505
EDGRPTD utility 443
EDGRRPTE exec 443
fast path commands 487
inventory management reports 526
inventory reports 529
ISPF dialog 486
movement reports 529
program products lists 493
rack and bin display 515
rack and bin lists 487
report generator 540
resource lists 486
resources information 486
RMM TSO subcommands 486
scratch lists reports 529
security reports 525
sorting resources lists 500
supplied reports 529
using DFSORT 539
using line operators on lists 504
utilities 525
virtual record specifications display 518
virtual record specifications lists 497
volume display 506
volume lists 489
DFSMSrmm supplied reports
creating 530
REPORT01 536
REPORT02 537
REPORT03 537
REPORT04 537
REPORT05 537
REPORT06 537
REPORT07 537
REPORT08 537
REPORT09 538
REPORT10 538
REPORT11 538
REPORT12 538
REPORT13 538
REPORT14 539
REPORT15 539
DFSORT symbols 539
disable catalog syncronization 337
disaster recovery 232
DISPLAY SMS command 153
disposition processing 464
duplicate data set names 589
duplicate records 304
duplicate RMF definitions 230
duplicate volsers 586, 589, 593
identifying 588
EDG019VM SAMPLIB member 135
EDGAUD utility 525
EDGBKUP utility 127, 212
EDGCDREC data set name information 198
EDGCDREC record layout 615
EDGCDYNM extract program 222, 230
EDGCDYNM input files 244
EDGCDYNM input parameters 245
EDGCDYNM OPTIONS statement 239
EDGCDYNM output files 244
EDGCDYNM parameters
DEFOWNER statement 252
DFRMMLOC statement 250
OPTIONS statement 245
SKIPVOL statement 252
TLMSLOCN statement 249
VOLMEDIA statement 251
VRSMGMTP statement 248
VRSNAMEP statement 247

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