442 Converting to DFSMSrmm from ASG-ZARA or AutoMedia
Rack information for empty racks that exist in the library
Bin information for empty bins that exist in any store.
From L-Records, EDGCNVT produces:
Rack information for scratch and in-use volumes in the library
Storage location bin information for those volumes that reside in any
storage location.
From the input K-Records, EDGCNVT produces a VRS record containing
details of a single retention and movement policy.
10.2.5 EDGCNVT return codes
EDGCNVT sets a return code when it ends. Table 10-4 describes the EDGCNVT
return codes.
Table 10-4 EDGCNVT return codes
10.2.6 EDGCNVT messages
EDGCNVT-00000 A DEXTRACT Record has been encountered that contains an
unidentifiable record type field. The Record appears below and Column 1 is
the identifier field. It should be L, O, K, E or D.
DXT_BASE is the input conversion record
Severity: Error
Explanation: EDGCNVT has detected an invalid conversion record in the DEXTRACT input
Action: The job terminates with a return code 1000.
User Response: Re-run the extraction process.
Return code Description
0 Normal processing
4 Loan location cannot be converted to a shelf-managed storage location.
Bin number 0 is set for a shelf-managed storage location.
The number of D-Records supplied for a volume was greater than the
number expected.
8 A location name was used that was not defined to the EDGCNVT
SYSIN file.
1000 An error occurred that must be corrected before the EDGCNVT
program is rerun. See the SYSPRINT file for an explanatory message.
Chapter 10. Building the CDS 443
EDGCNVT-00005 The number of data sets name records supplied via the DEXTRACT data set
greather than anticipated. The data set and volume information about the
’EXTRA" D-record are shown below. VOLSER: DSNVOL VSEQ: VSEQNUM
DSNVOL is the volume serial number.
VSEQNUM is the volume sequence number.
DSCOUNT is the volume records data set count field.
ACCOUNT is the physical file number.
FILENUM is the logical file number.
DSNAME is the data set name.
Severity: Error
Explanation: none
Action: The job terminates with a return code 8.
User Response: Re-run the extraction process.
EDGCNVT-00010 Home Location Name contained in L-RECORD displayed below does not
match any of the Location Names supplied via SYSIN or "SHELF".
LVHLOC is the home location.
DXT_BASE is the input conversion record.
Severity: Error
Explanation: EDGCVNT is missing a LOCDEF statement in the SYSIN control file to translate
the conversion record location name to a location name used in DFSMSrmm.
Action: The job terminates with a return code 1000.
User response: Check the SYSIN control file.
EDGCNVT-00015 Location specified on a VOLRANGE statement displayed below does not
match any of the Location Names supplied via SYSIN or "SHELF".
LVHLOC is the home location.
VOLRANGE is the VOLRANGE statement.
DXT_BASE is the input conversion record.
Severity: Error
Explanation: No matching SYSIN LOCDEF statement has been found to match the location
name used in a VOLRANGE statement.
Action: The job terminates with a return code 1000.
User Response: Check the SYSIN control statements for consistency.
444 Converting to DFSMSrmm from ASG-ZARA or AutoMedia
EDGCNVT-00020 The VMEDIA name supplied via SYSIN is not TAPE1600, TAPE6250,
CART3480, CART3490, CART349E or CART3590 and cannot therefore be
processed. The name supplied is:
MEDNAME is the supplied media name.
Severity: Error
Explanation: none
Action: The job terminates with a return code 1000.
User Response: Correct the SYSIN control statement.
EDGCNVT-00025 The number of storage location names to be converted to Rams LOCAL
Disaster Storage Location has exceeded three.
Explanation: You are limited to 3 disaster storage area names you can translate to RMM
LOCAL location name.
Action: The job terminates with a return code 1000.
User Response: Check your SYSIN control statements.
EDGCNVT-00030 The number of storage location names to be converted to RMMs DISTANT
Disaster Storage Location has exceeded three.
Explanation: You are limited to 3 disaster storage area names you can translate to RMM
DISTANT location name.
Action: The job terminates with a return code 1000.
User Response: Check your SYSIN control statements.
EDGCNVT-00035 The number of storage location names to be converted to RMMs REMOTE
Disaster Storage Location has exceeded three.
Explanation: You are limited to 3 disaster storage area names you can translate to RMM REMOTE
location name.
Action: The job terminates with a return code 1000.
User Response: Check your SYSIN control statements.
EDGCNVT-00040 CONVRT has been passed a data set name that should have been corrected
in the analysis of errors in the error data set (ERROR DD) produced by
records are shown below.
DSNREC is the data set record
VOLREC is the volume record
Severity: Error

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