[ch10biblio_001] [CJP2] Deepak Alur, John Crupi, and Dan Malks. Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies, Second Edition. Prentice Hall, <year>2003</year>.

[ch10biblio_002] [SPEC] Java™ 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Specification, v1.4. http://java.sun.com/j2ee/j2ee-1_4-fr-spec.pdf

[ch10biblio_003] [POSA1] Buschmann, Meunier, Rohnert, Sommerlad, and Stal. Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture—A System of Patterns. Wiley Press, <year>1996-2000</year>.

[ch10biblio_004] [Gof] Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley, <year>1994</year>.

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