Chapter 4

Reflective Materials for Cost-Effective Energy-Efficient Retrofitting of Roofs

I. Hernández-Pérez1, J. Xamán2, E.V. Macías-Melo1 and K.M. Aguilar-Castro1,    1Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (DAIA-UJAT), Tabasco, México,    2Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (Cenidet-TecNM-SEP), Morelos, México


In this chapter we discuss the cost effectiveness of reflective materials when installed in buildings roofs (cool roofs). We make quantitative estimates of the impact of white reflective and colored reflective materials. The cost effectiveness of reflective materials depends on the type of climate and the building roof insulation. Net savings (NS) over a 10-year life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) are obtained ...

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