Making our tests pass again

Since we've changed a bunch of input and button tags and we have tests that are specifically looking for them, we'll need to hop into src/NewTodo/NewTodo.test.js first, and change every instance of .find("input") and .find("button") to .find("Input"), and .find("Button"). We'll start with our first test, which tests the form:

  it("contains the form", () => {    expect(component.find("Input")).toHaveLength(1);    expect(component.find("Button")).toHaveLength(1);  });

We'll also want to modify the next test that relies on simulating button clicks:

  it("calls the passed in addTodo function when add button is clicked", () => {    component.find("Button").simulate("click");    expect(mockAddTodo).toBeCalled();  });

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