Chapter 4. Web Publishing with AOL and

In This Chapter

  • Finding the best ISP

  • Getting your page up with AOL or CompuServe

  • Starting out with 1‐2‐3 Publish

  • Publishing your first home page

Although the easy‐to‐use, open, ungovernable World Wide Web may seem as though it is going to wipe out traditional, closed, monitored online services such as America Online (AOL), circumstances are not really working out that way. The online services are adapting quickly. They have become gateways to the Web, and in some cases offer easy‐to‐use Web publishing services that include hosting your Web page for free.

If you already use AOL, it's probably the best place for you to start experimenting with Web publishing. You already know the interface, you can quickly find online forums and discussion boards for Web publishing, and you can take advantage of the easy‐to‐use Web publishing features that AOL has scrambled to provide. CompuServe, owned by AOL, has similar Web publishing features.

If you aren't an America Online user, the quickest and cheapest way to get your first page up on the Web is to use GeoCities, the Web‐based service we describe in Chapter 2. Or Google Page Creator, the alternative Web‐based service described in Chapter 3. But if you are an AOL user, you may well be better off using your online service for Web publishing. America Online has strong features for intermediate Web publishing, including support for both Windows and Macintosh, several megabytes of free server space, and (at ...

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