5Innovation and Freedom of Circulation

5.1. From the dilemma to the trilemma of Myrdal

Commerce and the mobility of people are more tightly connected in a service economy than in those based around the exchange of manufactured products. The coordination of commercial and migratory policies is necessary today, but difficult to organize. Migratory policies are hardly unified, whereas Doha’s cycle of multilateral commercial negotiations has become bogged down. Several forms of citizenship are determined at the intersection of commercial and migratory policies, according to the comparative analysis that is proposed here using global data on innovation, migration and citizenship around the world.

Brexit indicates new fractures that rearrange the contours of the large innovation systems around the world. In the United Kingdom, creative and cultural activities, universities and research are at risk of being affected first by the exit from the common European market [CRE 16]. The negotiations on the future of commercial agreements between the United Kingdom and the European Union indicate different preferences concerning the types of regional agreements. The European negotiator’s position is said to be based in the four freedoms: freedom of the circulation of goods, services, capital and people. These four freedoms define the level of the common market on the Balassa scale of regional commerce agreements. This typology includes six levels: partial cooperation, free-trade agreement, ...

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