Creative Thinking ePub eBook

Book description

If you're a busy manager, looking for fast, focused guidance on how to make impact now then this book is for you. Discover vital, quick-fix, do-it-now ideas and techniques for instant impact and fast learning, as well as more detailed guidance for deeper knowledge. Your two-track way to get ahead.

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Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Contents
  4. About the author
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. How to use this book
  7. Chapter 1 BE MORE CREATIVE
    1. Speed read
      1. 1.1 Defeat habit with originality
      2. 1.2 Divergent thinking
      3. 1.3 Lateral thinking
      4. 1.4 Convergent thinking
      5. 1.5 Time and space
      6. 1.6 Group dynamics
      7. 1.7 Choose the right tools for the job
    2. Big picture
      1. 1.1 Defeat habit with originality
      2. 1.2 Divergent thinking
      3. 1.3 Lateral thinking
      4. 1.4 Convergent thinking
      5. 1.5 Time and space
      6. 1.6 Group dynamics
      7. 1.7 Choose the right tools for the job
    1. Speed read
      1. 2.1 Imagine a world without you
      2. 2.2 Apply the power of why
      3. 2.3 What’s your problem?
      4. 2.4 The lizard, the chimp and the business exec
      5. 2.5 Four ways of seeing
      6. 2.6 Give and take
      7. 2.7 Tweet simplicity
    2. Big picture
      1. 2.1 Imagine a world without you
      2. 2.2 Apply the power of why
      3. 2.3 What’s your problem?
      4. 2.4 The lizard, the chimp and the business exec
      5. 2.5 Four ways of seeing
      6. 2.6 Give and take
      7. 2.7 Tweet simplicity
    1. Speed read
      1. 3.1 That’s funny  . . . 
      2. 3.2 Burst your filter bubble
      3. 3.3 Make connections
      4. 3.4 Use contradictions
      5. 3.5 Field trips and freshness stores
      6. 3.6 What’s my motivation?
      7. 3.7 Crafting a compelling hook
    2. Big picture
      1. 3.1 That’s funny  . . . 
      2. 3.2 Burst your filter bubble
      3. 3.3 Make connections
      4. 3.4 Use contradictions
      5. 3.5 Field trips and freshness stores
      6. 3.6 What’s my motivation?
      7. 3.7 Crafting a compelling hook
    1. Speed read
      1. 4.1 Brainstorm rules
      2. 4.2 The lateral nudge and metaphor mash
      3. 4.3 Mapping your thoughts
      4. 4.4 Steal from the heart
      5. 4.5 Break the rules
      6. 4.6 Look harder inside the box
      7. 4.7 Brainwriting tools
    2. Big picture
      1. 4.1 Brainstorm rules
      2. 4.2 The lateral nudge and metaphor mash
      3. 4.3 Mapping your thoughts
      4. 4.4 Steal from the heart
      5. 4.5 Break the rules
      6. 4.6 Look harder inside the box
      7. 4.7 Brainwriting tools
  11. Chapter 5 NURTURE GOOD IDEAS
    1. Speed read
      1. 5.1 The developer’s dilemma
      2. 5.2 Supportive teams
      3. 5.3 Widen your pool of talent
      4. 5.4 Design thinking
      5. 5.5 Keep the novelty alive
      6. 5.6 Working with wild ideas
      7. 5.7 Moving out of the greenhouse
    2. Big picture
      1. 5.1 The developer’s dilemma
      2. 5.2 Supportive teams
      3. 5.3 Widen your pool of talent
      4. 5.4 Design thinking
      5. 5.5 Keep the novelty alive
      6. 5.6 Working with wild ideas
      7. 5.7 Moving out of the greenhouse
  12. Chapter 6 WEED OUT BAD IDEAS
    1. Speed read
      1. 6.1 Get serious
      2. 6.2 The unknown
      3. 6.3 Groupthink
      4. 6.4 Optimism bias
      5. 6.5 Overconfidence
      6. 6.6 The sunk cost fallacy (aka why it’s hard to pull the plug)
      7. 6.7 How to fail well
    2. Big picture
      1. 6.1 Get serious
      2. 6.2 The unknown
      3. 6.3 Groupthink
      4. 6.4 Optimism bias
      5. 6.5 Overconfidence
      6. 6.6 The sunk cost fallacy (aka why it’s hard to pull the plug)
      7. 6.7 How to fail well
  13. Chapter 7 SELL YOUR BEST IDEAS
    1. Speed read
      1. 7.1 You, your audience, your message
      2. 7.2 Real, original, simple
      3. 7.3 Three is the magic number (and other rhetorical devices)
      4. 7.4 Go viral
      5. 7.5 Great stories
      6. 7.6 Road-test your story
      7. 7.7 Hand over the spark
    2. Big picture
      1. 7.1 You, your audience, your message
      2. 7.2 Real, original, simple
      3. 7.3 Three is the magic number (and other rhetorical devices)
      4. 7.4 Go viral
      5. 7.5 Great stories
      6. 7.6 Road-test your story
      7. 7.7 Hand over the spark
  14. What did you think of this book?
  15. Index
  16. Endorsements
  17. Imprint

Product information

  • Title: Creative Thinking ePub eBook
  • Author(s): Steve Rawling
  • Release date: May 2016
  • Publisher(s): Pearson Education
  • ISBN: 9781292119328