Abandonment option, 299, 300, 304
AC See Autocorrelation
Acceptances, 473
Accounting conventions, 21–23
Accounting principles
accounting standards as applied to revenue realization, 26–27
consistency, 27
disclosure, 27–28
historical cost, 26
matching principle, 27
objectivity, 28
review of, 26–28
Accounting Principles Board (APB), 29, 29n, 101
Accounting standards, as applied to revenue realization, 26–27
Accounting Standards Executive Committee, 30n
Accounting value, 316–319
Accounts payable, audit analysis of, 91–92
Accounts receivables
aging, 89
loans secured with, 85–86
Accrual options, 438
Accruals on basket of assets, 433–434
ACP See Average collection period
Actionable intelligence, 295
Activity ratios, 46–49
ASP, 49
bad ...
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