Chapter 15

Currency Options


Bullet Understanding the basics of options

Bullet Digging into the uses of call and put options

Bullet Surveying some combination options

Bullet Walking through the steps of an options order

Bullet Getting some pointers, tutorials, and resources

The easiest and least risky way to get involved with currencies is with exchange-traded funds (ETFs), covered in Chapter 13. That is hands down my (coauthor Paul’s) favorite way to play currencies (especially for those who are novice investors). However, my favorite way to speculate is with call and put options, and the good news for you is that most currency ETFs (and currency futures, which are covered in Chapter 14) are optionable.

Options can be a low-cost way to speculate, and the risk can be limited to whatever amount you’re willing to speculate with. Some options can cost as little as $50 (or less!), which makes this a suitable speculative vehicle for those with limited funds. This chapter gives you the scoop.

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