

Abate, Salvatore 135

Adding dichromate to the formula 69

Aelavanthara, Jaime vi, 175

Anderson, Christina Z. x, xi, xii, xiii, 47, 122, 123, 140, 147

And the list goes on 30


Babcock, May 178

Bartolomeo, Mariana 180183, 279

Beal, Lindsey 178

Beaver, John 59

Benefits of new cyanotype, The 78

Bentley, Jennah Ward 184187

Bibliography 299301

Blacklow, Laura 188189

Bleeding 64

Bloomfield, Diana vii, 25, 170

Blue spots or streaks, There are 164

Blue stains, There are 168

Boardman, Emma 76

Borax or ammonia toner 111

Bosworth, Mollie 137

Bristol papers 27

Brown vs. green FAC 65

Brushes to use 91

Burns, Leslie 60

Byron, Carol 128


Calinawan, Jonah 65, 91, 190193

Catling, Wendy 194197

Ceuppens, Guido 113

Chart, Density Range CC and NC

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