Cyber-Physical Systems

Book description

From an Alexa device in our home to an aircraft, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) have transformed the living standard of human beings. The data generated from the CPS provide tremendous insights into the behaviour and functioning of organisations.

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Preface
  5. Table of Contents
  6. List of Contributors
  7. 1. Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems and Challenges Faced due to the COVID19 Pandemic
  8. Part I: The Effect of Covid-19 on Industries
    1. 2. Sensitivity of the Steel Sector to Economic Crises. Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on Steel Production in Poland
    2. 3. The State of SME Enterprises in the Face of the Crisis Caused by the Covid-19 Epidemic
    3. 4. Towards Industry 4.0 versus the Covid-19 Crisis – The Use of Selected Technologies (ICT) in Business
  9. Part II: CPS Based Solutions during the Pandemic
    1. 5. Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly based on CPS
    2. 6. A CPS Perspective on Teaching Engineering Laboratories during Pandemics
    3. 7. Impact of CPS on Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience, with a Focus on Solutions to Pandemic Challenges
  10. Part III: Solutions to Pandemic Challenges in Manufacturing Sector
    1. 8. Complex Adaptive Manufacturing System Concept as a Cyber-Physical Production System: Solutions to the Covid-19 Pandemic Challenges
    2. 9. Major Advancements of Industry 4.0 to Overcome Challenges in Manufacturing during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    3. 10. Implementation of Cyber Physical Systems in Additive Manufacturing to Sustain Covid-19 Pandemic
  11. Part IV: Frameworks and Perspectives
    1. 11. Intelligent Cyber-Physical Production System Framework for Industry 4.0 Realization
    2. 12. Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Indian Perspective for Better Planning
  12. Part V: Use Cases of Solutions to Pandemic Challenges
    1. 13. The Future Workplace: A Symbiotic System of Systems Environment
    2. 14. Transforming a Standalone Machine Tool to a Cyber-Physical System: A Use Case of BEMRF Machine Tool to Tackle the COVID-19 Restrictions
  13. Index

Product information

  • Title: Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Author(s): Tushar Semwal, Faiz Iqbal
  • Release date: March 2022
  • Publisher(s): CRC Press
  • ISBN: 9781000562644