
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


data set balancing, 237–238
feature selection, 239
finding and model deployment, 243–244
and Kappa statistics, 421, 422
MLogit classifier, 423
null value detection, 232
Occam’s razor, 421
out-of-bag prediction, 404
Accuracy measures
iteration times, 324
Accuracy-v-Cut-off analysis
classifier models, 203–204, 203f
PR and BE models, 204
probability, accuracy maximization, 203
Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, 234
Aggregation functions, 248–249
aggr() function
missing/imputed values, 231
package VIM, 231
community structure, 90–91
emergent issues and controversies, 63
institutional supports, 90
long-form weblog posts, ...

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