Data Stewardship, 2nd Edition

Book description

Data stewards in any organization are the backbone of a successful data governance implementation because they do the work to make data trusted, dependable, and high quality. Since the publication of the first edition, there have been critical new developments in the field, such as integrating Data Stewardship into project management, handling Data Stewardship in large international companies, handling "big data" and Data Lakes, and a pivot in the overall thinking around the best way to align data stewardship to the data—moving from business/organizational function to data domain. Furthermore, the role of process in data stewardship is now recognized as key and needed to be covered.

Data Stewardship, Second Edition provides clear and concise practical advice on implementing and running data stewardship, including guidelines on how to organize based on organizational/company structure, business functions, and data ownership. The book shows data managers how to gain support for a stewardship effort, maintain that support over the long-term, and measure the success of the data stewardship effort. It includes detailed lists of responsibilities for each type of data steward and strategies to help the Data Governance Program Office work effectively with the data stewards.
  • Includes an enhanced section on data governance/stewardship structure for companies that do business internationally, including the structure of business terms to account for country differences
  • Outlines the advantages and disadvantages of "data domains," details on suggested data domains and data domain structures, as well as data governance by data domains
  • Integrates data governance into Project methodology, defining roles on a project, adding Data Governance tasks to the Work Breakdown Structure, as well as advantages of working closely with the Project management Office
  • Covers the data stewardship involved in implementing national and international data privacy regulations

Table of contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. About the Author
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. Introduction
    1. Introduction
    2. Problem Statement
    3. Roles of the Data Steward in Managed Data
    4. What this Book Covers
    5. What is Not in this Book
    6. Who Needs this Book?
  9. Chapter 1. Data Stewardship and Data Governance: How They Fit Together
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. What is Data Governance?
    4. Some Best Practices to Drive Data Governance
    5. What is Data Stewardship?
    6. The Overall Goals of Data Stewardship
    7. Moving Data to a Governed State
    8. The Three P’s: Policies, Processes, and Procedures
    9. How Data Stewardship Fits into Data Governance
    10. The Overall Data Governance Organization
    11. Summary
  10. Chapter 2. Understanding the Types of Data Stewardship
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Business Data Stewards
    4. Technical Data Stewards
    5. Project Data Stewards
    6. Operational Data Stewards
    7. Summary
  11. Chapter 3. Stewardship Roles and Responsibilities
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. The Data Stewardship Council
    4. Data Governance Manager
    5. Enterprise Data Steward
    6. Business Data Stewards
    7. Project Data Stewards
    8. Technical Data Stewards
    9. Operational Data Stewards
    10. Laying Out a Data Stewardship RACI Matrix
    11. Summary
  12. Chapter 4. Implementing Data Stewardship
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Championing and Communicating Data Stewardship
    4. Gaining Support from Above and Below
    5. Understanding the Organization
    6. Organizing the Data Stewards
    7. Figuring Out Your Starting Point
    8. Summary
  13. Chapter 5. Training the Business Data Stewards
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. The Curricula for Training Business Data Stewards
    4. Metadata for Key Business Data Elements
    5. Uses of Data
    6. Introduction to Data Stewardship Processes
    7. Tools of the Trade
    8. Training for Data Quality Improvement
    9. Summary
  14. Chapter 6. Practical Data Stewardship
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. The Basics
    4. Setting Up Repeatable Processes
    5. Defining the Scope of Data Stewardship Implementation
    6. Understanding How the Business Data Stewards Interact with the Data Governance Program Office
    7. Using an Issue Log to Get the Day-to-Day Work Done
    8. Documenting and Communicating: The Communication Plan
    9. Adding Data Governance to the Project Methodology
    10. Building and Following a Data Governance or Data Stewardship Roadmap
    11. Specifying the Data Stewardship Tools
    12. Summary
  15. Chapter 7. The Important Roles of Data Stewards
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. The Role of Data Stewardship in Improving Data Quality
    4. The Role of Data Stewardship in Metadata Quality
    5. The Role of Data Stewardship in Managing Reference Data
    6. The Role of Data Stewardship in Identity Resolution for Master Data Management
    7. The Role of Data Stewardship in Master Data Management Survivorship
    8. The Role of Data Stewardship in Master Data Management Exception Handling
    9. The Role of Data Stewardship in Information Security
    10. The Role of Data Stewardship in Supporting Quality Assurance
    11. The Role of Data Stewardship in Compiling Lineage
    12. The Role of Data Stewardship in Process Risk Management
    13. The Role of Data Stewardship in Data Privacy Regulations
    14. Summary
  16. Chapter 8. Measuring Data Stewardship Progress: The Metrics
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Business Results Metrics
    4. Operational Metrics
    5. Summary
  17. Chapter 9. Rating Your Data Stewardship Maturity
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Defining a Data Stewardship Maturity Model: Levels and Dimensions
    4. Data Stewardship Maturity Levels
    5. Data Stewardship Maturity Dimensions by Level
    6. Gathering the Maturity Model Evaluation Data
    7. Evaluating the Results of the Maturity Survey
    8. Measuring Progress in Maturity
    9. Identifying Gaps and Remediation
    10. Summary
  18. Chapter 10. Big Data Stewardship and Data Lakes
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Data Stewardship and Big Data
    4. Data Stewardship and Data Lakes
    5. Summary
  19. Chapter 11. Governing and Stewarding Your Data Using Data Domains
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. The Case for Data Domain–Based Data Stewardship
    4. Data Domains Explained
    5. Key Benefits of Data Domains
    6. Specifying and Setting Up Data Domains
    7. Governing Data Domains
    8. Key Data Governance Activities that can be Driven by Data Domains
    9. Data Domain–Based Data Stewardship Requires a Mature Organization
    10. Summary
  20. Appendix A. Example Definition and Derivation
    1. Definition of “Unique Quote to Close Ratio”
    2. Derivation of “Unique Quote to Close Ratio”
  21. Appendix B. Sample Training Plan Outlines
    1. Training Technical Data Stewards
    2. Training Project Managers
  22. Appendix C. Class Words for Naming Business Data Elements
    1. A list of class words
  23. Index

Product information

  • Title: Data Stewardship, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): David Plotkin
  • Release date: October 2020
  • Publisher(s): Academic Press
  • ISBN: 9780128221679