J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), 195196, 198

Jack-of-all-trades, 2931

Jacobson, Ivar, 113


applets, 196197

applications, 196197

choosing a program type, 196197

Hibernate, ORM library, 200

LINQ (Language Integration Query), 200

NHibernate, ORM library, 200

program types, 196197

servlets, 196197

JBOD (just a bunch of disks), 604

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

bridge architecture drivers, 673

client-based drivers, 673

database wire drivers, 674

drivers, 673674

network protocol architecture drivers, 673674

overview, 192193

Pure Java drivers, 673674

Type 1 drivers, 673

Type 2 drivers, 673

Type 3 drivers, 673674

Type 4 drivers, 673

Job scheduling, security, 479

Jobs in DBA. See Careers in DBA.

Join order, 381

Joining tables

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