Chapter 5. Time synchronization 41
Using XEDIT, follow these steps:
1. Locate Features in the Features Statement section:
locate Features
2. Locate Enable:
locate Enable
3. Add three lines after Enable:
add 3
4. Fill with:
STP_timestamping ,
STP_Timezone ,
5. Save the file:
6. If you are prepared to shut down and re-ipl the system, issue:
Issue: shutdown reipl
During the boot process Linux starts its own software-managed clock off of the hardware
clock. Alternatively, the clock can be set through operator commands. After the boot, the
Linux clock runs independently of the hardware clock. Because Linux manages its own
software clock, it frequently uses NTP (see 5.2, “Network Time Protocol (NTP)” on page 52)
to keep its time synchronized to an external source. If the Linux image (logical partition or
guest) has a Local Area Network (LAN) connection to an NTP server, Linux can take
advantage of it.
5.1.2 Relocating DB2 when using the hardware clock
Two tests were done using the hardware clock. In the first test, different timezone
configurations were set up on each of the two CPCs, while in the second test the CPC time
was manually changed. Linux and DB2 behavior were analyzed on both.
Test 1: Changing timezone configuration
The first test checks how Linux, and consequently DB2, handles relocation between two
CPCs in different timezones. ITSOSSI1 (z10™) is using the Central Standard Time (CST)
and ITSOSSI3 (z196) is using Eastern Daylight Time (EDT); check Figure 5-1 on page 42.
Note: STP_timestamping tells CP to enable the STP protocol (if the STP facility is
installed) and apply timestamps to all XRC-capable DASD devices.
STP_timezone, or STP_tz, tells CP to enable the STP protocol (if the STP facility is Issue:
shutdown reipl).