46 DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries: Implementation Guide
Figure 3-8 Check the DDM server is working with iSeries Navigator
3.3.4 Configuration on the Linux partition
The DB2 Connect configuration can be done using DB2 Configuration Assistant
(db2ca) tool in a X window. Or you can also use CATALOG command to update
the node or database directory manually. In this example, we use db2ca.
To launch the db2ca, type db2ca and press Enter from a terminal emulator on a
db2inst1’s X desktop.
Chapter 3. Connectivity with DB2 UDB for iSeries 47
Figure 3-9 DB2 Configuration Assistant main window
Figure 3-9 is the main window of the db2ca. We can see that there is only one
“sample” database that is configured in this instance. It was created in Chapter 2.
Select Selected->Add Database Using Wizard.
Figure 3-10 Add Database Wizard initial window
Select Manually configure a connection to a database in the window as seen
in Figure 3-10. Click Next.
48 DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries: Implementation Guide
Figure 3-11 Selection of the communication protocol
Select TCP/IP and click Next (Figure 3-11). Do not select the The database
physically resident on a host or OS/400 system. This option is enabled when
DB2 Connect is installed and TCP/IP or APPC is selected as the protocol. By
checking the box, the connection will be managed in the Database Connection
Service (DCS) directory and DB2 Connect can act as a gateway. It also works in
our environment, but we do not use the DCS directory in our scenario.
Figure 3-12 Specify the Host name and the port number
Chapter 3. Connectivity with DB2 UDB for iSeries 49
Type the host name of the OS/400 partition in the Hostname field (Figure 3-12).
The host name must be resolved in the /etc/hosts file. Then type ddm-rdb in the
Service name field and click Retrieve to get the port number 446, which is the
port number that the OS/400 DDM server is working on.
Or you can specify only the IP address of the OS/400 and the port number, as
Host name:
Service name: (blank)
Port number: 446
Then click Next.
Figure 3-13 Set the database name of OS/400 partition
Type the database name of the OS/400 partition and the alias (Figure 3-13). The
database name must be the same as in the OS/400 RDB directory. The alias is
the name you can choose here. Now we set it to OS400. Then click Next.
50 DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries: Implementation Guide
Figure 3-14 ODBC configuration
Figure 3-14 shows the window used for Register this database for ODBC.
Since this ODBC configuration option is not supported on the Linux platform yet,
do not select it. Click Next.
Figure 3-15 Specify the Operating System type
Select the operating system OS/400 from the pull down list (Figure 3-15). Leave
the remote instance name blank. Click Next.
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