112 DCE Replacement Strategies
7.1 How to read the example scenarios
The example scenarios that are described in the following chapters of this
section are all structured in the same manner:
First, an introduction is given that explains the environment of the scenario
and the strategy that is chosen for removing the DCE dependencies.
A sample application program that depends on DCE services is explained,
followed by an explanation of the way the DCE dependencies are removed in
the revised application.
The replacement roadmap is explained, including some brief steps to install
and configure replacement products.
As a result of the replacement, the application program using the replacement
technologies is then explained.
The scenario is summarized with a discussion that also elaborates on
additional considerations and possible alternatives.
For the description of the code examples, only excerpts or fragments of the code
are being shown and explained. The full program code listings are in the
appendix of this book and can be downloaded. (See Appendix E, “Additional
material” on page 417 for instructions.)
7.2 Common assumptions in the sample scenarios
The example applications used in the following chapters of this book are used for
the purpose of explaining the use of the chosen replacement technologies. They
do not represent real applications, as the application logic is considered
irrelevant for the purpose of this book.
Because actual system and development environments vary to a large extent,
only information that is assumed important in regard to the environment used for
writing this book is provided.
7.3 Simplifications in the sample scenarios
The purpose of the replacement scenarios in this book is to demonstrate the
technologies for the replacement of DCE dependencies. The examples are kept
simple, and they are not meant to serve as schoolbook examples for
production-ready applications.

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