When I began this project several years ago, its original goal was helping CIOs explain the value of IT to their companies. But over the course of conducting interviews and collecting research, the emphasis of the book shifted. Instead of writing a book primarily for CIOs, I wrote a book for the entire C-suite. My decision to address a wider audience was based on my growing realization that most C-level executives (other than the CIO) believe that IT does not deliver sufficient value to their companies. Most of the senior executives that I spoke with expressed the opinion that IT is an underperforming asset.

The universality of their agreement on that point is alarming, and it points to a larger problem. It is not sufficient for the CIO to do a better job of explaining the value of IT to the company's C-suite. The C-suite must do a better job of understanding the value of IT to the company and appreciating how its decisions on IT spending impact the company's ability to compete effectively in a networked economy.

From my perspective as a C-level corporate officer, the IT value problem is a significant obstacle to success and prosperity. As a CIO, I see the problem as eminently solvable. This book lays the groundwork for decoding the IT value problem and offers actionable advice for increasing the returns on critical IT investments. It is written as both a practical guide and an executive roadmap. I hope that you find it useful and valuable.

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