© Mathew Salvaris, Danielle Dean, Wee Hyong Tok 2018
Mathew Salvaris, Danielle Dean and Wee Hyong TokDeep Learning with Azurehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3679-6_4

4. Microsoft AI Platform

Mathew Salvaris1 , Danielle Dean2 and Wee Hyong Tok3
London, UK
Westford, Massachusetts, USA
Redmond, Washington, USA

This chapter introduces the Microsoft AI Platform, which is a set of services, infrastructure, and tools for building intelligent applications powered by AI. The Microsoft AI Platform runs on the Microsoft Azure cloud computing environment, which provides computing as a utility where you pay for what you use rather than what you own. For more details on the broader Azure Platform, please see the e-book Developer’s Guide to Microsoft ...

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