© The Author(s) 2020
S. Cheruvu et al.Demystifying Internet of Things Securityhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2896-8_4

4. IoT Software Security Building Blocks

Sunil Cheruvu1 , Anil Kumar1, Ned Smith2 and David M. Wheeler3
Chandler, AZ, USA
Beaverton, OR, USA
Gilbert, AZ, USA

Oleg Selajev from Oracle Labs is famous on Twitter for saying, “The ‘S’ in the IoT stands for security.”1 Oleg does not spell poorly; instead, he was bemoaning the sad state of affairs in IoT security. Despite the truth in Oleg’s statement, security does not have to be absent in IoT.

Chapter 3 took a comprehensive look at the hardware security offerings in the Intel Architecture. Putting these hardware features to use in an IoT platform requires software. This chapter ...

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