
Note: Page number followed by “f” and “b” are refer to figures and boxes respectively.


Action phase, 38
Additional facet values, showing, 189–197
displaying all values by default, 190
extensible containers, 191
hybrid approaches, 195–197
separate containers, 193–195
Advanced search, 105–106
Aggregate information, 61–65
Airbnb’s iPhone application, 13, 14f
Amazon, 52
“did you mean” suggestion, 115, 116f
drop down controls in, 152f
inline breadcrumbs at, 198f
interval scales at, 184f
partial matches at, 119, 119f
search results, 141f
showing additional facet values at, 195f, 196f
Kindle ecosystem of, 287f
prominent category selection, 155f
query clarification at, 155f, 156

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